12 year prayer saint bridget

What is 12 Year Prayer Saint Bridget?

The 12 Year Prayer of Saint Bridget is a devotion in the Catholic Church that honors Saint Bridget of Sweden. It involves praying the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Glory Be prayers 15 times each day for 12 years straight. This devotion is said to bring many spiritual benefits to those who practice it, including the forgiveness of sins, protection from temptation, and the grace of final perseverance.

Benefits of Practicing the 12 Year Prayer

One of the most significant benefits of practicing the 12 Year Prayer of Saint Bridget is the forgiveness of sins. By regularly seeking God's forgiveness through prayer, we can purify our souls and draw closer to Him. This devotion is also said to bring protection from temptation, which can be especially helpful in our modern world, where we are constantly bombarded with distractions and enticements.
Another benefit of practicing the 12 Year Prayer is the grace of final perseverance. This grace is the assurance that, no matter what challenges or temptations we may face in life, we will ultimately persevere and attain eternal life with God in heaven. By committing to this devotion for 12 years, we are demonstrating our dedication to our faith and our trust in God's love and mercy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is it necessary to pray the 12 Year Prayer for 12 years straight without missing a day?
A: While it is ideal to pray the 12 Year Prayer without missing a day, it is not a requirement. If you do miss a day, simply resume the devotion as soon as possible and continue until you have completed the full 12 years.
Q: Can anyone practice the 12 Year Prayer, or is it only for Catholics?
A: The 12 Year Prayer of Saint Bridget is a devotion in the Catholic Church, but anyone is welcome to practice it. However, it is important to understand the significance and context of this devotion within the Catholic faith.
Q: How can I stay motivated to pray the 12 Year Prayer for such a long period of time?
A: One way to stay motivated is to set reminders for yourself to pray each day. You can also find a prayer partner or join a prayer group to provide support and accountability. Additionally, remembering the spiritual benefits of this devotion can help keep you motivated throughout the 12 years.


The 12 Year Prayer of Saint Bridget is a powerful and transformative devotion that can bring many spiritual benefits to those who practice it. By committing to this devotion, we are demonstrating our dedication to our faith and our desire to draw closer to God. Whether you are Catholic or not, the 12 Year Prayer is a beautiful way to deepen your spiritual life and experience the grace and mercy of God.